Half the Underveigt OF slum children in Delhi: Study

Did you know… Half the world lives on less than $2.50 a day. And 900 million people cannot read or write.

Freedom still very sad that our country's seventy years have passed, but still lag behind in this case arise out of Government on the issue of the fight still is not today.

Half the Underveigt OF slum children in Delhi: Study

Thankfully those institutions who are taking Dontio for poor children is to help them

Status of the survey were then used Aksording s Health, and Education OF NUTRITIONAL further Excluded were children below six years in Slums are here, 25.6 percent of the 50.2 percent underweight children are severely underweight.

Under the Children PERCENT OF OF thirty-one were only three in the capital were so RECEIVED Least One vaccination, Vere Stnted While forty-five percent, the survey called "Hey Children getting a Healthy Start" Said.

I also highlighted the issue of gender Imbailens OF IT AS RECEIVED therefore twenty-five Girls Least One Percent Percent Dose Tablet For 'Boys have Kmpred vaccination.
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