Bollywood’s leading lady Deepika Padukone swept away with appreciation and love from all quarters for her splendid performance in Padmaavat. Padmaavat is close to Deepika Padukone’s heart for more reasons than one. The magnum opus not only saw her team up with director Sanjay Leela Bhansali for the third time but also crossed the Rs 300-crore mark. The actress garnered immense love and appreciation from audience and critics alike.
The Jauhar sequence, which was a major highlight of the film, was the most difficult part for Deepika Padukone. No wonder, Deepika recently reached out to Sanjay Leela Bhansaliand requested him to give her the outfit that she had worn for the climax scene. Given the sentimental value of that ensemble, she wants to treasure it for life.
Deepika Padukone shares, “Padmaavat, in its entirety, has been a journey that will stay with me forever. The climax sequence, especially, has been the most intense, challenging and memorable scene I have ever done. And to commemorate those moments, I’ve requested Sanjay sir if I could keep the outfit that I wore.”
Padmaavat proves to be Deepika Padukone’s 7th film in the Rs. 100 cr club and her hattrick in the 200 cr club. Now, Deepika Padukone becomes the first actress to shoulder a 300 crore film.
The Jauhar sequence, which was a major highlight of the film, was the most difficult part for Deepika Padukone. No wonder, Deepika recently reached out to Sanjay Leela Bhansaliand requested him to give her the outfit that she had worn for the climax scene. Given the sentimental value of that ensemble, she wants to treasure it for life.
Deepika Padukone shares, “Padmaavat, in its entirety, has been a journey that will stay with me forever. The climax sequence, especially, has been the most intense, challenging and memorable scene I have ever done. And to commemorate those moments, I’ve requested Sanjay sir if I could keep the outfit that I wore.”
Padmaavat proves to be Deepika Padukone’s 7th film in the Rs. 100 cr club and her hattrick in the 200 cr club. Now, Deepika Padukone becomes the first actress to shoulder a 300 crore film.