Hasin, where Shami was exposed with new evidence, exposed troll - Madam Control

Hussein, wife of Indian pace spearhead Mohammad Shami, has made serious allegations on her husband's involvement in domestic violence, extramarital affairs. Since then, Hasin has shared many chats with other women on social media with her husband. Now Hasin has shared some more chats on her Facebook account, in which Shami is talking to a woman. Hasin wrote with it - "My husband's choice. Nobody left ... big respectable is the country's star. "

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Shami's wife had accused him of match-fixing, taking cognizance of which the Administrator's Committee (COA), appointed by the apex court, asked the BCCI Anti-Corruption Unit (ACU) to investigate against Shami. ACU has submitted its report to the COA, in which Shami has been found to be innocent. After this, the COA asked BCCI to include Shami in the central contract.

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