Raipur. BJP leader Dr Saroj Pandey has been elected to the Rajya Sabha from Chhattisgarh. Saroj Pandey has defeated Congress Candidate writer Rama Sahu. Let us tell you that Dr. Saroj started his political career with student politics. He has made many records in Politics. DainikBhaskar.com is telling you to join them during this time. Recorded in Guinness and Limca Book ...
Saroj Pandey has been considered an irony in politics at an early age. Dr. Saroj Pandey has been a Mayor, MLA and MP.
- Their record is also recorded in Guinness and Limca Book of Records. Awarded Best Meyer Award for 10 consecutive years.
- He contested the Mayor for the first time as a BJP leader in Chhattisgarh and got the victory.
- In the 2008 election from Vaishali Nagar seat of Bhilai assembly from the assembly. He defeated Brijmohan of his candidate by nearly 15 thousand votes in the Assembly elections. That's where Saroj's career turned into a turning point. After which he never looked back and looked back.
- Their record is also recorded in Guinness and Limca Book of Records. Awarded Best Meyer Award for 10 consecutive years.
- He contested the Mayor for the first time as a BJP leader in Chhattisgarh and got the victory.
- In the 2008 election from Vaishali Nagar seat of Bhilai assembly from the assembly. He defeated Brijmohan of his candidate by nearly 15 thousand votes in the Assembly elections. That's where Saroj's career turned into a turning point. After which he never looked back and looked back.
MP for the first time from the fort
- BJP, in 2009, as a mayor while standing in the general election as a Lok Sabha candidate from MLA and Durg seat.
- Dr. Saroj's direct fight was with the three times MP Tarachand Sahu, who was rebuffed from the BJP from the ramparts.
Pandey defeated Sahu with heavy votes. With this victory, Pandey's national politics grew steeply.
As the MP, the party made him the president of the National Women's Front.
Face defeat despite Modi wave
- Dr. Saroj had to face defeat despite the Modi wave in the 2014 general elections.
- The only BJP candidate from Chhattisgarh who got the defeat After this, Saroj's criticism began in the streets of politics.
It was believed that now his political career has ended. But BJP gave him big responsibility during the Maharashtra assembly elections.
- He succeeded in Maharashtra. After this, the national level Dr. Saroj Pandey's grip was strengthening.
- The only BJP candidate from Chhattisgarh who got the defeat After this, Saroj's criticism began in the streets of politics.
It was believed that now his political career has ended. But BJP gave him big responsibility during the Maharashtra assembly elections.
- He succeeded in Maharashtra. After this, the national level Dr. Saroj Pandey's grip was strengthening.